Pines Homecoming 2016

imagePines Chapel Presbyterian celebrated Coming Home to Pineson September 25, 2016. During the worship service the congregation dedicated two  additions to the church: new hymnals and a new baptismal font.  The dedication of the new hymnals came first in the service . As the congregation sang “How Great Thou Art” as we took up the old hymnals to the altar table and picked up new hymnals to place in the pews.  Pastor Joe Condro then gave a prayer for the new books:



New hymnals await the congregation at the start of worship.

“With thanks in our hearts for those who have created this hymnal for the use by the church and for the members of this congregation whose vision, energy and resources have made this hymnal available for our use, we present these hymnals to the glory of God and for service in the life of this congregation. We especially thank those who have given these hymnals in memory of loved ones who have gone on before us as saints of the church.”





Pastor Joe Condro preparing to dedicate the new baptismal font.
Pastor Joe Condro preparing to dedicate the new baptismal font.

Next came the dedication of the baptismal font with Pastor Joe Condro leading the congregation in prayer:

“Let us pray. By Your grace, O God, You have brought us into Your covenant through the waters of baptism, and by the power of the Holy Spirit we are made members of the body of Christ, the church. At this font may lives be claimed by death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the work and witness of Your people in this world.”




Pastor Joe Condro pours water into the baptismal font as it is dedicated.
Pastor Joe Condro pours water into the baptismal font as it is dedicated.

We did not choose You, O Lord, but You chose us.

 “Trusting in Jesus Christ, we dedicate this font in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”






The Cresmen sing at the end of Worship Service.
The Cresmen sing at the end of Worship Service.

At the end of the worship service the congregation welcomed “The Crestmen” to Pines Chapel and listened as they sang three songs: “Amazing Grace,” “I’ll Fly Away,” and “A Place Called Mount Calvary.”  Then everyone went out from church to return later for a Homecoming Meal and a full concert from “The Crestmen.” It was a beautiful day enjoyed by all!




More Photos from Pines Chapel Homecoming 2016


Plaque on the baptismal font from Pines Session.
Plaque on the baptismal font from Pines Session.
Enjoying Homecoming Meal
Enjoying Homecoming Meal