
Upcoming Easter Events 2024


February 13, 2024 = Shrove (Fat) Tuesday at Pines Chapel Presbyterian Church beginning at 6:30pm.

February 14 2024 = Ash Wednesday at Mt. Tabor beginning at 7:00pm.

March 28, 2024 = Maundy Thursday Services at Pines Chapel beginning at 7:00pm.

March 29, 2024 = Good Friday Services at Bethel Presbyterian beginning at 7:00pm.

March 31, 2024 = Sunrise Service at Bethel Presbyterian at 7:00am

                                 Easter Breakfast following at 8:30am (covered dish)

                                 Easter Worship Service at Bethel beginning at 11:00am. Communion will be held during worship service.                                              

Pines Chapel Presbyterian Church Services Update

Pines Chapel Presbyterian Church will not hold services through the month of May. This is in accordance with the Governor’s stay at home order due to the coronavirus. We hope that restrictions will be lifted soon and that we will be able to see each other again! Stay home and stay safe and continue to worship the Lord!

Cabinet for Pines Chapel Quilt

Cabinet for Pines Chapel Quilt

Donna Gordon’s brother-in-law has built a shadow box cabinet to hold the Pines Chapel Quilt, which was returned to the church two years ago from the family who had it. The quilt was created in 1953 with the help of the congregation and local families to raise money for the church to build a new chapel. The quilt was given to the pastor at the time; and, was lost for many years. It was returned and rededicated to the church.

A glass covering for the shadow box is on order; and, when it comes in the quilt will be put in the box and hung up in the church!